Thursday, December 1, 2011

Kitchen Uh-Oh...What To Do? is a sneak peek at my new kitchen.

But then here is how it looks with the range hood light...ON.

Uh, see it?  The wavy, nearly basket-weave look?  Yeah.  Great tile job, eh?  See how many of the tiles "sink" on the right side.  Oh, and some on the left.    AND...several tiles already have cracks in them!  This job is only about 2 months old.  What should I do? 

Hairline cracks in this pic are just left of center.

Where the tiles are is where we tore out a window.  The hole was filled with plywood.  When the contractor came by to bid on the tile job, he had no problem with our "wall."  (Sheet rock on the left and the plywood, used to be window on the right.)  He said he would level it and there wouldn't be a problem.

Now these few weeks later - obviously, there is a problem!  To take the cake, we hired the top guy in our area off of Angie's List!  We paid more than we should have because of his ratings.  This is certainly annoying to me.  *sigh*

What should I do?  Wait, I already asked that.  *smiles*  But really...any ideas?

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