Wednesday, February 22, 2012

10 Natural Helps for Families During Cold Season

So, the nasty sickie bug that hit us a month ago decided to reappear over the weekend.  Darn little bug.  Won't you just die?  Several people I know are having a hard time getting rid of this nasty breed of bug!

Some stuff to think about.  (Unless this list is all "No, duh!" to you more experienced Mommies.  *smiles*)

  • Using a humidifier in your child's room at night can make a huge difference.  If I forget to fill ours up or plug it in, my daughter's nose in the morning is all crusty inside and out!
  • Keep hand sanitizer easily accessible and make sure there is a full bottle of soap at each sink.  Can't clean those hands too much!
  • Instead of a hand towel, use paper towels to dry hands.  While this isn't the most "green" option, it cuts down on the places bacteria or "sickie bugs" can fester.
  • Try some natural sanitizer wipes such as those from Seventh Generation.  Having sanitizer wipes handy to clean up messes - after craft time or during potty training - also helps kill a few of those buggies.
  • Limit sugar intake!  Your immune system is lowered for several hours after having sugar.  This includes fruit sugar.  Also, sugar allows bacteria and yeast to grow in your body.
  • Eat plenty of hot soups and drink lots of water!
  • Diaper wipes work great to clean up a snotty nose!  Also helps from getting that snoz red and chaffed.
  • Open the windows and let the fresh air blow through the house.  A bit of sunshine could be helpful to you too!

Since there are so many options out there from prescription drugs to Grandma's home remedies, I decided to share some of our family's favorites.**   Just something else for you to research, but if you're interested in "natural" cough and cold help - here ya go!

  • Standard Process Congaplex** - Available online from Amazon and from many health care providers, Standard Process has incredible all-natural, mostly organic vitamin supplements.  Congaplex is our "go-to" supplement whenever we are sick.  (Or when we've been around sick people!)  It is for short term use, to boost the immune system.  There is a chewable form available for kids, or if they're like my daughter, they can swallow or chew the adult capsule!  **Please seek help from a professional, call the company or do extensive research before giving this supplement to a child.  
Standard Process Congaplex 150 C

  • X-clear Kids drops (And adults - in a spray form!) - Gentle enough to use a few times a day.  Saline drops with Xylitol and grapefruit seed extract.  Available online from Amazon or at many health-food and vitamin shops.

 Xlear - Kids-Xlear Nasal Spray, .75 fl oz liquid

  • Hyland's C-Plus Cold Tablets - Helps with the symptoms of "little" colds and runny noses.  All-natural and homeopathic!  Available online at Amazon and often at your local grocery store or pharmacy!
Hylands Homeopathic, C-plus Cold Tablets, 125 Tab 
  • Hyland's Cold 'n Cough 4 Kids and Hyland's Nighttime Cold 'n Cough 4 Kids - Why use chemical based cough syrups for your kids?  Hyland's all-natural, homeopathic products work just as well - even better perhaps!  Wal-Mart now carries many Hylands products as does Target, CVS and Wal-Greens!
Hylands Cold N Cough 4 KidsHylands Night Time Cold N Cough 4 Kids
  • Hyland's Earache Drops - Another Hyland's product that I keep in my doctor bag.  Great to carry with you on a plane too, just in case.  Helps relieve pressure caused by head-colds - oh yeah, helps with pain too!  Available online at Amazon or often at your local grocery or pharmacy.
Hylands Childrens Earache

  • Vick's VapoRub - Merely rub a tad of this on the bottom of your child's feet at bedtime and cover those little piggies with socks!  Available online at Amazon and nearly any grocery store or pharmacy!  (And yes, I realize this technically isn't a "natural" product!)
Vicks VapoRub Topical Ointment
  • Nordic Naturals Children's DHA and Nordic Naturals Arctic Cod Liver Oil - My toddler has used both the children's and adult fish oils from Nordic Naturals.  Great for the brain, immune system, bowels, joints, etc!  An over-all GREAT thing to add to your daily supplement routine.  Even medical doctors are beginning to prescribe fish oil. 
Childrens DHA 250 mg Strawberry Flavor By Nordic NaturalsArctic Cod Liver Oil (lemon) 180 softgels
  • Primadophilus Children - The good bacteria for your stomach.  Remember when you took those antibiotics and your doctor said to eat plenty of yogurt?  (I'll lay aside the fact that most yogurts are high in SUGAR completely defeating the purpose!)  Well, probiotics are what the doc wanted you to get from that yogurt.  It helps restore the "flora and fauna" of your guy, and kill off the yeast/bacteria in there!
Primadophilus Children by Nature's Way 5 Ounces

**I am not a licensed health care professional.  These are products I personally recommend based on experiences with my family.  As always, it is best to check with you health care provider before starting any new supplement or medical regimen.  Please, always do your own research before swallowing any kind of medication or supplement, natural or otherwise.

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